PWARC UHF Repeater Net Script
Effective 1/20/2015
Calling the Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club Repeater Net!
Net Control is ...... My name is .......... My location is ..........
Is there any emergency or priority traffic? {Handle any such traffic before continuing.}
The Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club Repeater Net meets Tuesdays at 7 P.M., on our club's repeater at a frequency of 447.450, negative offset, and a PL of 123. This net provides information and fellowship for members of the Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club, as well as the local ham community.
When checking in, state if you have any business for the net such as formal or informal traffic listings, announcements, and information or questions about ham radio. Also notify Net Control if you must leave the net before it concludes. All check-ins will also be invited to make an informal transmission.
Are there any club members who are moble, portable, or emergency-powered wishing to check in? Please call now....
Are there any non-members who are moble, portable, or emergency-powered wishing to check in? Please call now....
Are there any other club members wishing to check in? Please call now.... (Divide the alphabet as you wish.)...
Are there any members or non-members wishing to check-in? Please call now.... (Divide the alphabet as you wish.)...
This is ...... , Net Control for tonight's Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club Net. I will now call for listed business. (Traffic first; then announcements; info; questions.)
(After all business:)
If there are any late or missed member or non-member check-ins, please call now....
This is ......, closing tonight's Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club Net. It meets again next Tuesday at 7 P.M., on this frequency.
The Pueblo West Amateur Radio Club is online at either "pwarc dot com" or "na0pw dot net".
The net is now closed. The NA0PW repeater is returned to open amateur use.
{Let the Net Manager know: the date of the net you controlled, how long in minutes, the number of check-ins (including yourself.) Feel free to add any other remarks.}